The First Baptist Belton Kids Ministry exists so that families would learn to love the Lord God with all of their heart, be encouraged to teach the Bible daily within their home, and be mindful to serve others faithfully.
VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Children are invited to join us every Sunday morning at 10:30 am for age-appropriate Bible lessons. We offer classes for children age birth–5th grade. Included below are the Bible study curriculums that we utilize:
Kindergarten–5th grade:
Childcare is offered for children ages 0–3 years old during our Sunday morning worship service at 9 am. Our faithful volunteers provide a Bible Story, craft and fun playtime inside, or out. No reservation required.
Ignite Kids is our NEW Spring Program designed to help kids spark a passion to know, serve, and share Jesus!
When: 12 Sundays from 5–7 pm beginning January 12
Who: Ages PK4 through 5th grade (must be 4 by Jan 1)
Cost: $20
Closes January 10
Students who will have completed 3rd–5th grade are invited every summer to attend Preteen Camp. This one-week camp is designed to help lead preteen students closer to Christ through worship, Bible study and fellowship with other Christian believers.
This class is offered periodically throughout the year to children in 1st grade and up. This is for individuals who want to know more about Baptism or for those who are ready to take the next step in their Christian faith.
Families are invited to our annual celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Depending on the year, our activities/events might vary, but our focus is always set on Christ’s victory over sin and death. In addition, we typically offer a fun and very large egg hunt at the end of our celebration event.
Day trips are offered for students who have completed 1st–5th grades. These trips revolve around local area service projects that are mission-focused, including volunteering at local non-profit organizations, serving in the community, and prayer walking around local elementary schools. Afterward, lunch and fun activities are planned such as bowling, games, and more. We also get the whole family together a few times throughout the summer!
This is always one of the most exciting weeks in the life of our church! This five-day event occurs each summer and allows children to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. Each child can anticipate enjoying the theme of the week through Bible study, music, missions, snacks, and recreation.
Family Night in Bethlehem is a program put on by the children of our church to present the story of Jesus’ birth. Children in K–5th grade are invited to be a part of this program one Sunday night in December each year.
Families are invited to join us for a church wide evet of this fun and fellowship! Every year, we host a family picnic for all ages, which consists of outdoor games, inflatables, food trucks, and more.
A Christian based after school program featuring a Bible lesson, songs, snacks, memory verses and games. We typically host clubs on multiple campuses within our local school district in two distinct segments during the year, lasting six to eight weeks in duration.
A special ceremony in which the parents of a newborn/young child make a commitment before the Lord to rear their child according to God’s Word and within the Christian setting of a local church. The church body also makes a spiritual promise to offer encouragement and support as the family unit matures and grows. This service is offered periodically throughout the year.
Childcare is offered for children ages birth through three years old during our Sunday morning worship service.
Extended session will be available each week by reservation only (space is limited).
Please fill in the form for each child.
The reservation must be made by
Wednesday at noon.
Thank you for reserving your space in Extended Session.
Thank you for your interest in the kid's
We will get back to you as soon as possible.